Away 2021/22
Manufacturer: Hummel
Source: Hummel
The reasons to visit The Bahamas are mainly the weather, the pristine (and sometimes pink) beaches and of course the swimming beach pigs.
Watching high class football has never been one of the reasons, though. Actually, watching the Bahamian national team play always meant watching one of the worst teams in the world. From 2018 to 2019 the team was ranked in the penultimate place of the FIFA World rankings, only putting San Marino behind them – although one could argue that San Marino would probably beat The Bahamas in a clash.
Currently, it seems that the Bahamas Football Association is trying to establish more professional structures, thus improving their national team. While the 0-4 and 0-7 defeats against St. Kitts & Nevis and Puerto Rico, respectively, aren’t really indicating a drastic change, but a respectable 0-0 draw against Trinidad & Tobago is encouraging.
Who says you can’t have a great shirt, despite lacking great footballing skills?
While The Bahamas always had decent jerseys, the 2021 model by Danish manufacturer Hummel is by far the best shirt the country ever had. Flag shirts are (almost) always great and this one is no exception!
The away shirt exactly follows the design of the national flag, with the shape of the flag diagonally across the front and Hummel’s iconic arrows on the sides of the shirt. The colors are vibrant and look absolutely fantastic! The yellow has a slight orange tint, and the blue radiates an oceanic hue.
The only small downside is the fact that the shirt is fully sublimated. With an embroidered badge and Hummel logo, the shirt would have gained even more class. Nonetheless, it is definitely a contender for the “national shirt of the year 2021”.
I have to thank fellow collector Frederik for sourcing these shirts. Be sure to check out his collection here.
